Command helpers -

Misc. legacy helpers subprocess and finding VCS binaries. will be deprecated by libvcs._internal.subprocess.


This is an internal API not covered by versioning policy.[source]

From pypa/pip project, pip.backwardwardcompat. License MIT.

Return type:



s (bytes)

class, keyword, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: LoggerAdapter

Adapter for additional command-related data to logging.

Extends logging.LoggerAdapter’s functionality.

Mixes in additional context via logging.LoggerAdapter.process() for logging.Formatter when emitting log entries.

  • bin_name (str) – name of the command or vcs tool being wrapped, e.g. ‘git’

  • keyword (str) – directory basename, name of repo, hint, etc. e.g. ‘django’

  • args (Any)

  • kwargs (Any)

Initialize the adapter with a logger and a dict-like object which provides contextual information. This constructor signature allows easy stacking of LoggerAdapters, if so desired.

You can effectively pass keyword arguments as shown in the following example:

adapter = LoggerAdapter(someLogger, dict(p1=v1, p2=”v2”))

By default, LoggerAdapter objects will drop the “extra” argument passed on the individual log calls to use its own instead.

Initializing it with merge_extra=True will instead merge both maps when logging, the individual call extra taking precedence over the LoggerAdapter instance extra

Changed in version 3.13: The merge_extra argument was added.




directory basename, name of repository, hint, etc.

process(msg, kwargs)[source]

Add additional context information for loggers.

Return type:

tuple[Any, MutableMapping[str, Any]]

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

Callback to report subprocess communication.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_is_protocol = True, bufsize=-1, executable=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=True, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, restore_signals=True, start_new_session=False, pass_fds=(), *, text=None, encoding=None, errors=None, user=None, group=None, extra_groups=None, umask=-1, log_in_real_time=False, check_returncode=True, callback=None)[source]

Run a command.

Run ‘args’ in a shell and return the combined contents of stdout and stderr (Blocking). Throws an exception if the command exits non-zero.

Keyword arguments are passthrough to subprocess.Popen.

  • args (list or str, or single str, if shell=True) – the command to run

  • shell (bool) – boolean indicating whether we are using advanced shell features. Use only when absolutely necessary, since this allows a lot more freedom which could be exploited by malicious code. See the warning here:

  • cwd (str) – dir command is run from. Defaults to path.

  • log_in_real_time (bool) – boolean indicating whether to read stdout from the subprocess in real time instead of when the process finishes.

  • check_returncode (bool) – Indicate whether a libvcs.exc.CommandError should be raised if return code is different from 0.

  • callback (ProgressCallbackProtocol) –

    callback to return output as a command executes, accepts a function signature of (output, timestamp). Example usage:

    def progress_cb(output, timestamp):
    run(['git', 'pull'], callback=progress_cb)

  • changes (Upcoming)

  • ----------------

  • 3.10 (When minimum python >=)

  • `pipesize

  • bufsize (int)

  • executable (str | bytes | PathLike[str] | PathLike[bytes] | None)

  • stdin (int | IO[Any] | None)

  • stdout (int | IO[Any] | None)

  • stderr (int | IO[Any] | None)

  • preexec_fn (Callable[[], Any] | None)

  • close_fds (bool)

  • env (Mapping[bytes, str | bytes | PathLike[str] | PathLike[bytes]] | Mapping[str, str | bytes | PathLike[str] | PathLike[bytes]] | None)

  • universal_newlines (bool)

  • startupinfo (Any | None)

  • creationflags (int)

  • restore_signals (bool)

  • start_new_session (bool)

  • pass_fds (Any)

  • text (bool | None)

  • encoding (str | None)

  • errors (str | None)

  • user (str | int | None)

  • group (str | int | None)

  • extra_groups (Iterable[str | int] | None)

  • umask (int)

Return type:
